7 important facts that you should know about borewell drilling in Bangalore

December 3rd, 2020 | Borewells

Borewell drilling is the most reliable and common method of mitigating water scarcity, especially in Bangalore, India. In this blog, we are going to know a few important and useful facts which will help you in thinking of some ideas while drilling borewell service near you. Firstly, hoping every one of us knows the fact that the borewells cannot be drilled in all the regions. Keeping that in mind let’s understand the facts that we should know about bore-well drilling contractor service.

  1. Waterwell point Identification of site: Water scarcity is still being a big problem in both rural or urban regions of Bangalore, as it is not eradicated till now. Few reputed Bore-well contractors are existing who use geophysical methods and electrical sounding to identify the appropriate Ground water point survey in site or place to dig the tubewell. Borewell drillers and bore well contractors inspect the land thoroughly and lets us know whether we can dig the borewells or not and if we can then what the possible area in which water digging can be performed.
  2. The best time to drill bore-well:  Generally, there is no hard rule or a particular time of drilling borewell. But in general, people prefer to do in the summer season as the water level goes down to the maximum possible Boring depth from the ground level. Book your best borewell drillers now.
  3. Methods of water well digging: The water well digging methods depends on the type of the site or area. There are different methods of Borehole digging such as angular , or angular or calyx or percussion or down the hole hammering or jetting and hollow rod drilling, or cable tool drilling..
  4. The purpose of drilling borewell: The purpose of digging borehloe depends on the site or area in which we are doing it. Whether drill Boring is for the agricultural purpose or industrial purpose or domestic purpose. Based on the purpose of the requirement of water from the boring is estimated and accordingly, the Tube-well digging takes place.
  5. Dimensions of the borehole: There is a certain standard diameter of the borehole which is ranging from 4.5 and 6 inches. 6.5 inches is the most common diameter which is commonly seen in Bangalore.
  6. Determining the cost of bore well digging: The estimation of drilling cost depends on different factors. They are cost per feet, casing pipe cost per feet and its installation cost, drilling cost per feet, Diesel cost, rig machine transportation charges, borewell flushing per hour, etc.
  7. Precaution to be taken: Not all the boring are successful so if it is not under usage, it needs to be closed with appropriate setup.

Hope these all the facts help you in a successful borewell drilling in Bangalore.

Contact : 9900033000 for more details.

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